Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc.

P.O. Box 1834
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Message Line: 770.499.1164


newsltterOur snail-mail newsletter The Long & Short Of It is distributed to over 1,900 families across Georgia and the nation twice each year. Place an advertisement in our publication and not only will lots of basset-lovers learn about your business, you'll help BHRG recoup printing costs!

Newsletter Ads

Ad sizes are based on the fact that our newsletter has a border around each page so the ads are a bit smaller than a full 8.5" x 11".

The price list is as follows:

Black & White Ads

  • Full Page = 7.5" wide x 10" tall = $125
  • 1/2 page Vertical = 3.75" wide x 10" tall = $75
  • 1/2 page Horizontal = 7.5" wide x 5" tall = $75
  • 1/4 page Vertical = 3.75" wide x 5" tall = $50
  • 1/4 page Horizontal = 7.5" wide x 2.5" tall = $50
  • 1/8 page Vertical = 1.875" wide by 5" tall = $25
  • 1/8 page Horizontal = 3.75" wide x 2.5" tall = $25 (this is basically a business card)

Color Ads

  • Full Page = 7.5" wide x 10" tall = $250
  • 1/2 page Vertical = 3.75" wide x 10" tall = $150
  • 1/2 page Horizontal = 7.5" wide x 5" tall = $150
  • 1/4 page Vertical = 3.75" wide x 5" tall = $100
  • 1/4 page Horizontal = 7.5" wide x 2.5" tall = $100
  • 1/8 page Vertical = 1.875" wide by 5" tall = $50
  • 1/8 page Horizontal = 3.75" wide x 2.5" tall = $50 (this is basically a business card)

Art charge = 25% of ad rate (1 time only charge unless there are changes). The art charge applies if the advertiser does not provide a file ready to be placed in PageMaker and we have to manipulate their artwork in any way.

25% discount for commitment to 2 issues (1 year)

Questions? E-mail our newsletter editor, Ann Marsden, at

BHRG Affiliates – Shop with our affiliates and BHRG receives a donation!
Kuranda Dog Beds
Bissell Partner for Pets